在Al Si10.5合金中加入Cu,研究了合金元素Cu对Al Si10.5合金压铸态的组织、力学性能及电导率的影响。结果表明,Al Si10.5合金压铸态的硅相呈短杆状。随着Cu元素的加入,形成Al2Cu相,其集聚在晶界上,硅相由短杆状变成蠕虫状,并有偏聚趋势;随着Cu含量的上升,合金的抗拉强度和硬度增大,伸长率和电导率下降。
Adding Cu to A1Sil0.5 alloy, and the effects of Cu element on the microstructure, mechanical properties and electrical conductivity of A1Sil0.5 alloy in die casting state were studied. The results show that the silicon phase in die casting A1Sil0.5 alloy is short rod. After adding Cu element, A12Cu phase is formed and it gathers in grain boundary, the silicon phase transforms from short rod into wormlike shape and it has segregation tendency. With the increase of Cu content, the tensile strength and hardness of the alloy increase, the elongation and electrical conductivity decrease.
Hot Working Technology