基于排序算法的模块化多电平换流器(modular multilevel converter,MMC)电容电压均衡策略能够快速平衡模块电压,广泛应用于实际工程,但是实时排序会占据控制器大量计算资源,并且开关器件的高频动作将引起较大的开关损耗。为此,在保持模块电压均衡的同时,有必要着重关注均衡策略的时间复杂度和开关频率。在传统的排序算法均衡策略的研究基础之上,按照不同的优化目标将现有的改进策略分为3类,从不同评价指标对3类改进策略进行比较和分析。最后,探讨MMC均压策略的未来研究方向和发展趋势,为解决MMC模块电压不平衡问题提供借鉴。
Capacitor voltage balancing control strategy based on sort algorithm for modular multilevel converter( M M C)is w idely used in practical engineering because of its good response to voltage balance. How ever,the real-time sorting requires excessive computation and high-frequency sw itching actions w ill result in larger sw itching losses. Therefore,w hile maintaining the module voltage balance,more research should be contributed to the time complexity and sw itching frequency of the balancing strategy. Based on the research of voltage balancing strategy of conventional sort algorithm,the existing improved strategies are divided into 3 categories according to different optimization mechanisms. The 3 kinds of strategies are compared and analyzed through different evaluation indexes. Finally,this paper discusses the future research direction and development trend of M M C voltage balancing strategy,w hich can provide reference and guidance for solving the capacitor voltage imbalance of M M C.
Electric Power Construction