Objective: To explore effect of cytokine interleukin 21 (IL-21) on the activity of cytokine-induced kill- er (CIK) cell killing in vitro the esophageal cancer EC9706 cell, and preliminarily to analyze its possible molicular mechanism. Methods: Human peripheral blood mononuclear cells were isolated with sterile operation in vitro, which were respectively cultured into CIK cells in routine medium or in routine medium plus IL-21. Flow cytome- try assay was used to detect immunophenotypes of CIK cells cultured with the two medium. Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) release method was used to exam the activities of the two cultured CIK cells killing the esophageal cancer EC9706 cell. Concentrations of IFN-y in liquid supernatant cultured the two types of CIK cell were checked by ELISA. Results: There not were any significant difference of proliferation number of the CIK cells between routine culture and routine culture plus IL-21. Proportion of CD3^+CD56^+ cell, expression rates of granzyme B and perforin in CD3^+ cell of the CIK cell cultured by routine medium plus IL-21 were evidently higher than those of the CIK cell cultured by routine medium (CD3^+CD56^+cell: [26.95±3.53]% vs [16.18± 1.04]% ; granzyme B: [33.29±2.30]% vs [23.58±2.28]% ; perforin: [59.70±1.91]% vs [45.96±2.67]%, all P〈0.05). At effector/target ratio of 20:1 and 30: 1, killing activities against the EC9706 cell of the CIK cell cultured with routine medium plus IL-21 were all remark- ably higher than those of the CIK cell cultured with routine medium (at E/T 20:1 [43.66± 1.991% vs [34.59± 1.75]%; at E/T 30:1 [142.7±13.4]% vs [42.6±3.3]%, all P〈0.05). Concentration of IFN-γ in liquid supernatant cultured the CIK cell in routine medium plus IL-21 was obviously higher than that cultured the CIK cell in routine medium [(157.2±10.3) ng/L vs (46.2±4.3) ng/L, P〈0.05]. Conclusion: IL-21 could enhance killing activity of the CIK cell against the esophageal cancer EC9706 cell through incr
Chinese Journal of Cancer Biotherapy