
2017年成都市青白江区脊髓灰质炎野病毒输入传播风险评估 被引量:2

Risk Assessment of Entry and Spread of Wild Poliovirus in Qingbaijiang District of Chengdu,2017
摘要 目的对成都市青白江区脊髓灰质炎野病毒输入与传播的风险进行评估,为进一步做好维持无脊灰和防范脊灰野病毒输入工作提供科学依据。方法从人群免疫情况、AFP病例监测系统运转情况和脊灰野病毒输入风险对辖区分别评分,根据综合评分结果进行风险评估。结果通过风险评估发现,成都市青白江区总分为11分,被判定为中级风险地区。结论为防范脊灰野病毒输入,应做好常规免疫、补充免疫、查验证工作,加强AFP监测、流动儿童管理、积极开展健康教育等工作。 Objective To assess the risk of wild poliovirus entry and spread in Qingbaijiang district of chengdu,and to provide scientific basis for maintaining no polio and prevent the wild poliovirus entry.Methods General population immunity status,performance of AFP surveillance system and risk of wild poliovirus entry were graded for each district,scores of above 3 aspects were used for comprehensive risk assessment.Results The risk assessment showed that the total score of Qingbaijiang district of Chengdu was 11 points,which was been judged to be the intermediate risk area.ConclusionIn order to prevent the importation of polio virus,routine immunization,supplementary immunization and verification should be done,and AFP monitoring,floating children management and active health education should be strengthened.
作者 张黎丽 余涛
出处 《职业卫生与病伤》 2017年第5期301-304,共4页 Occupational Health and Damage
关键词 脊髓灰质炎 输入 风险评估 polio import risk assessment
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