

Influence of construction site condition and construction plan on bidding control price
摘要 《建设工程工程量清单计价规范》规定施工现场情况及施工方案,是招标控制价编制的依据,目前很多中介咨询机构在编制或复核招标控制价时并未对上述规定引起重视,仅以计价定额、计价办法、设计文件为编制依据,导致编制的招标控制价与施工现场情况严重脱节、实际施工方案没有反映在招标控制价中或施工方案选择不当造成实际施工方案对应的造价与招标控制价中施工方案的造价相差甚远,从而对工程后期的造价管理及投资控制造成不利影响,也未真正起到"控制价"的作用。本文阐述了施工现场情况及施工方案和招标控制价的关系并分析了对招标控制的影响,从编制招标控制价前勘察现场、编制招标控制价前先编制施工方案等三方面提出合理编制及确定招标控制价的措施。旨在通过上述论述以期引起建设行业各参建主体如建设单位、施工单位、中介机构对施工情况及施工方案对招标控制价的影响的足够重视,使招标控制价最大程度地反映拟建工程的造价情况,发挥招标控制价在造价管理及投资控制中应有的作用。 BOQ Construction Specification of construction site conditions and the construction scheme is the basis for preparation of bidding price control, At present a lot of intermediary consulting institutions in the preparation or review of bidding control price not to pay attention to the above provisions, only fixed pricing, valuation methods, design documents for the preparation of basis, there is a serious gap between, preparation of bidding control price and the actual situation of construction site construction plan is not reflected n the bidding price control or improper selection of construction schemes the construction project cost and bidding price contro scheme corresponding to the actual construction cost in the far, so cost management and investment control of Engineering later ad- versely affected, did not really play the role of "price control", this paper expounds the relationship between the construction site and the construction scheme and the bidding price control and analyze the influence of bidding control, and from the preparation of bid- ding control price before the on-site inspection, preparation of bidding control price before three construction plan put forward rea- sonable preparation and determination of the bidding price control measures. Through the above discussion in order to attract the par- ticipation of the construction industry as the main construction units, construction units, intermediary institutions to pay enough atten- tion to construction and construction scheme of the bidding control price, the bidding control price reflects the project cost, play a role n the bidding price control in the cost management and investment control proper
作者 邱林
出处 《工程造价管理》 2017年第5期60-65,共6页 Engineering Cost Management
关键词 施工现场情况 施工方案 招标控制价 Construction site conditions Construction scheme Bidding control price
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