为寻求安全有效的阪崎克罗诺肠杆菌(Cronobacter sakazakii,C.sakazakii)的控制方法,该文探究了植物源化合物反式肉桂醛(Trans-cinnamaldehyde,TC)对C.sakazakii的抑制作用及可能的作用机制。试验检测了TC对C.sakazakii的最小抑菌浓度(MIC)及其对C.sakazakii生长曲线的影响;利用LIVE/DEAD细菌活性检测试剂盒、激光共聚焦显微镜和场发射扫描电镜,重点分析了TC对C.sakazakii细胞膜完整性及细胞形态的影响;通过构建复原婴幼儿配方乳模型检测TC在4℃、25℃和37℃对C.sakazakii的抑制作用,充分考虑了TC的实际应用效果。结果表明:TC对C.sakazakii最小抑菌浓度为0.4~1.0 mg/m L并可有效延长C.sakazakii的生长延滞期;浓度为MIC和2MIC的TC使C.sakazakii细胞膜完整性降低至60%和46%并可使其细胞膜皱缩、菌体干瘪;浓度为0.4%(V/V)的TC可在90 min(25℃)和60 min(37℃)使复原婴幼儿配方乳中C.sakazakii的数量降低至检出限以下。本研究结果表明TC有潜力作为天然的抗菌物质应用于奶粉等食品中,从而有效地预防和减少阪崎克罗诺肠杆菌引起的相关食源性疾病。
With the development of the time, the economic exchanges between China study of the organizational citizenship behavior of Chinese and Japanese employees and Japan are increasing. The is of great significance to the management of transnational enterprises in China and Japan. The study explores the similarities and differences of the mechanism of citizenship behavior between China and Japan through economic exchange model, group value model and impression management model. The results show that Chinese and Japanese organizational citizenship be- havior is divided into two dimensions, namely, assistance behavior and coordination behavior. Chinese employees' assistance behavior is higher than that of Japanese employees, and there is no significant difference between Chi- nese and Japanese employees' coordination behavior. Chinese employees' job satisfaction, procedural justice, inter- actional justice, emotional organizational commitment, utilitarian organizational commitment, public self-conscious- ness and proactive impression management strategies are higher than Japanese employees. The same point in the mechanism of organizational citizenship behavior is that Chinese and Japanese employees, if perceive to be respected and treated fairly by the organization, will have a sense of belonging to the organization and thus facilitate the emergence of assistance behavior. The other production mechanisms show different characteristics because of their respective cultural influences.
Science-Technology and Management