
情感有没有历史?--略论威廉·雷迪对建构主义情感研究的批判 被引量:4

Do Emotions Have History? ——Reflections on William Reddy's Critique of the Constructionist Approach to the Study of Emotions
摘要 作为情感史研究的开拓者之一,威廉·雷迪的情感表达、情感体制、情感导航、情感自由、情感痛苦等理论,及其以"情感主义"为切入点对法国启蒙与大革命时代所作的研究,以情感为视角所呈现的全新的历史图景,在学界产生了重要影响。而"情感有自身的历史"这一论断,是雷迪所有理论构架与具体研究的起始点。持建构主义观点的人类学家强调情感是文化的建构物,而心理学家则尤重情感的生物学特征,二者都否认情感有自身的历史。雷迪批判地借鉴了这两个学科的研究成果,提出"情感大体上但不完全是习得的":一方面,人的情感并非全然由文化塑造而成,另一方面,情感伴随着生理反应,但绝非仅具有生物学特征。由此,雷迪清晰勾勒出情感与认知、情感与理性、情感表达与文化之间的关系,强调"情感有自身的历史",使情感成为历史学的合理研究面向,为情感史的发展提供了坚实的理论支撑。 As a pioneering scholar in the study of the history of emotions,William Reddy has coined several important concepts,such as'emotives,''emotional navigation,''emotional regimes,''emotional liberty'and 'emotional suffering. ' From the perspective of 'emotionalism,' Reddy also presents a brand new approach to the study of the French Enlightenment and the French Revolution,which has a broad influence in the field. The statement that 'emotions have their own history'is the starting point for Reddy's theoretical framework. In the studies of emotions,anthropologists tend to take the constructionist approach,emphasizing emotions are culturally constructed. Yet psychologists stress the idea that emotions are biologically preprogrammed responses. Both anthropology and psychology disbelieve that emotions have history. Examining critically the recent researches in these two disciplines,William Reddy defines emotions as'largely( but not entirely) learned '. He explains that emotions are neither culturally shaped nor completely biologically based. In doing so,William Reddy explores the links between emotion and cognition,emotion and reason,and emotional expression and culture. He emphasizes that 'emotions have history,'turning them into a legitimate subject for historical study. His work has laid a firm foundation for the further development of the history of emotions.
作者 孙一萍
出处 《史学理论研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第4期65-76,共12页 Historiography Bimonthly
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