测量了铁基非晶薄带巨磁阻抗效应的阻抗实部和虚部并且计算出磁导率的实部和虚部,通过磁导率的非线性解释了巨磁阻抗效应的非线性原因,并且利用Nyquist图推出磁导率等效电路模型,指出磁导率等效电路模型中的LC共振频率是解决磁导率非线性的关键.研究结果表明:在激励电源横向磁化和外加磁场纵向磁化的过程中,非晶薄带磁导率的变化无规则,导致非晶薄带的巨磁阻抗效应呈现非线性变化.当激励频率在5 MHz、纵向磁场发生改变时,磁损耗角依然保持不变,磁导率与纵向磁场的非线性关系转化为磁导率模值与纵向磁场的关系,通过实验数据可以拟合出纵向磁场与磁导率的函数关系.
The real and imaginary parts of the impedance of giant magneto-impedance effect were measured,and the real and imaginary parts of the permeability were calculated.The principle of the nonlinearity of GMI effect was proposed based on the nonlinearity of the permeability,and the LCresonant frequency of EC model of permeability by Nyquist figure was pointed out.The results showed that the irregularity of the changes of permeability of iron-based amorphous ribbon in transverse and longitudinal magnetization process led to nonlinear changes of the GMI effect.Under 5 MHz excitation,the magnetic loss angle remained consistent.The nonlinear relation between permeability and longitudinal magnetic field was transformed into the relationship between modulus value of permeability and longitudinal magnetic field,and the function of permeability and the longitudinal magnetic field was obtained by fitting the experimental data.
Physics Experimentation