利用永磁涡流柔性传动节能技术对大功率设备进行节能改造,不仅节能效果显著,而且可提高生产能力、延长设备寿命、降低维修率和减少运行负担。设备运行之后年节电1 600 713 k Wh,相当于节约标准煤约196.57 t,该项目设备改造和技术服务总投资约54万元,可在两年内回收全部投资。
Energy transformation of large power equipm en t using pe rm an ent magnet eddy cu r ren t flexible transmission technolog is c a r r ied o u t ,n o t only the e n e rg y -sa v in g effect is rem a rk a b le , bu t also c an improve the production capa ci ty and prolong the service life of e q u ipm en t, reduc e the mainten anc e rate an d reduc e the b u rd en of run ning.After the operation of the e q u ipme nt, the annual e le ctric ity saving is 1 6 0 0 713 kW h , equivalent to saving about 196.57 t s tand ard c o a l, the total investment of the equipmen t transformation a n d technica l services is about 540 thousand y u a n , i t c an be recovered within two years of all inve stment.
Henan Metallurgy
p e rm an ent magnet eddy cu r ren t flexible rotat ional spe ed regulat ing device tech n ic a l transformation e n -ergy saving