鉴于珊瑚礁巨大的价值和面临全球气候变化严峻的威胁,珊瑚礁退化和发展前景一直是珊瑚礁研究的最中心议题。人类活动和气候变化已经导致珊瑚礁全球性衰退损失40%~50%。1998年全球珊瑚礁严重白化和2015—2017年延时最长全球珊瑚礁白化事件,一再证实全球变暖已经成为珊瑚礁可持续发展的主要威胁,现在扭转导致海洋水温升高的全球变暖的趋势是保护珊瑚礁的唯一希望。由科学家和慈善机构发起的2011年XL Catlin海景调查和2017年50礁倡议成为珊瑚礁管理保护的创新举措。但仍然需要更多的人认识珊瑚礁,热爱珊瑚礁,研究珊瑚礁,保护珊瑚礁。
In view of the great value of coral reefs and the threat of global climate change,the degradation and prospect of coral reefs have been the most central issues in the study of coral reefs.Human activity and climate change have led to a global decline in coral reefs by 40%-50%.The severe global coral reef bleaching in 1998 and the world's longest coral bleaching in 2015-2017,repeatedly confirmed that the global warming had already become a major threat to the sustainable development of coral reefs,and the protection of coral reefs depended only on delaying the seawater temperature rises caused by the global warming.The 2011 XL Catlin Seaview Survey and the 2017 50 Reefs Initiative sponsored by scientists and charities became the innovative measures for coral reef management and protection.But it still need more people to recognize coral reefs,to love coral reefs,to study coral reefs,and to protect coral reefs.
Guangxi Sciences