1The WMO/IOC Joint Technical Commission for O ceanography and Marine Meteorology (JCOMM). The Global Sea level Observing System IMPLE- MENTATION PLAN 2012[EB/OL]. [2013- 10- 10]. http://www, gloss- sealevel, org/publica- tions/documents/GLOSS _ Implementation _ Plan _ 2012. pdf. 被引量:1
2The WMO/IOC Joint Technical Commission for O ceanography and Marine Meteorology (JCOMM). Manual on Sea Level Measurement and Interpreta- tion Volume IV: An Update to 2006 [EB/OL]. (2006- 09- 21) [2013 - 10- 10]. http://www. psmsl, org/train and info/training/manuals/manual 14 final_ 21_ 09_06. pdf. 被引量:1