When the TLJ900-type Br idge Erector is used for the const ruct ion of cont inuous beam br idges neighbour ing or over-passing an existing railway,cranes coordinating with the construction may result in a serious risk to the security of the existing railway. With the project of the Shi-Ji High-Speed Railway as a practical example, introduced in the paper are the track -laying and the bridge-erecting construction techniques of using the lower nose girder, landing legs and the lifting brackets to coordi-nate with the bridge erector?which help solve the difficult problems of passing the continuous beam under the condition of hav-ing no position for the crane, and no platform truck to coordinate with the construction, and independently performing the re-moval and movement of the landing legs of the lower nose girder. The techniques introduced here help much improve the work efficiency and ensure the security of construction. The project may serve as an example for other projects of similar types.
Traffic Engineering and Technology for National Defence
exist ing rai lway
TLJ 900- ty pe bridge erec tor
out rigger lifting bracket of the lower nose g irder