由于无人遥控潜水器(Remote Operated Vehicle,ROV)航速普遍较低,舵效较差,操纵控制较为困难。通过引入变重心系统实现高性能的矢量推进,可减少潜器需要配制的推进器数量。应用Simulink仿真软件建立变重心潜器水下运动模型并进行操纵控制仿真研究,结果表明变重心潜器具有较好的矢量推进性能。
The low speed of Remote Operated Vehicle(ROV)would cause weak steerage,which results in the difficulty to the maneuverability.A variable center of gravity is appiled to ROV with low speed to reach the high performance of vectored propulsion and the number of thrusters is reduced.A model of the ROV is established by Simulink software.The simulation on maneuverability of ROV under low speed is studied and the simulation results show the excellent capacity of vectored propulsion by the ROV with variable center of gravity.