

An inter-frame algorithm research based on SHVC
摘要 为了减小算法复杂度,针对SHVC,结合了CU分割、PU预测模式两个方面,提出了一种快速算法。该算法在PSNR与码率有略微变化(可忽略不计)的前提下,平均编码时间降低了约30%~45%。并将HEVC的帧间预测技术创造性地升华到SHVC中,在一定程度上对SHVC的帧间算法研究进行了改进。根据在测试模型SHM的实验证明,该算法可行、有效。 To reduce the high complexity in SHVC,the paper proposes a fast method which does some optimization in the division of CU and the choice of PU mode. On the premise of guaranteeing the quality of the video,the average of encoding time decreases by about 30% ~ 45%.And the technology of the inter-frame prediction based on HEVC is creatively used in the SHVC. To a certain extent,it improves the inter-frame algorithm based on SHVC. The results show that the proposed algorithm is feasible and effective.
作者 王忠刚 Wang Zhonggang(College of Information Engineering,Shanghai Maritime University,Shanghai 201306, China)
出处 《微型机与应用》 2017年第21期35-38,共4页 Microcomputer & Its Applications
关键词 可伸缩视频编码 帧间 编码单元 预测单元 SHVC inter-frame CU PU
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