

Study on the relationship between bone mineral density and craniofacial morphology of the mandible
摘要 目的探究下颌骨骨密度与颅面形态关系。方法采用双能骨密度吸收仪,对三组不同面型的样本进行测量,并对观察对象的下颌骨骨密度进行进一步的分析和研究,从而得出结论。结果面部对称的样本当中,其下颌骨的骨矿含量与骨密度相对应,但在本次研究中这三组样本的骨密度都存在着一定的差异性。结论下颌骨骨密度与颅面垂直形态之间存在着一定的相关性,双能骨密度吸收仪功能显著。 Objective Explore the relation between mandible bone density and craniofacial morphology.methods Using dual energy X-ray absorptiometry instrument measurements were performed on three groups of diferent type of samples, and the mandibular bone mineral density of the observed object for further analysis and research, and draw a conclusion.Results The bone mineral content of the mandible was corresponding to the bone mineral density in the symmetrical samples, but there were some diferences between the three groups in this study.Conclusion There is a certain correlation between mandibular bone density and vertical craniofacial morphology, dual energy X-ray absorptiometry instrument function signifcantly.
作者 张慧 ZHanG Hui(Binzhou Medical University,Shandong Yantai 264003,Chin)
机构地区 滨州医学院
出处 《全科口腔医学电子杂志》 2016年第12期3-4,共2页 Electronic Journal of General Stomatology
关键词 下颌骨 骨密度 颅面形态 Mandible Bone density Craniofacial morphology
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