分枝数是大豆重要的农艺性状之一。对控制大豆分枝数的基因位点进行定位具有重要的理论和应用价值。本研究以寡分枝栽培大豆冀黄13为母本,多分枝地方品种小黑豆为父本配制杂交组合,分别在2012年以F2:3群体为定位群体利用寡分枝单尾法和在2014以F2:4群体为定位群体,利用双尾法选择性基因分型方法对大豆分枝数进行QTL定位研究。研究表明,2012年,在寡分枝单尾群体检测到一个L连锁群上BARC19-1222(71.32 c M)位点与分枝数QTL位点连锁,该位点与已经报道的q Br2和q BN24-1位点较近,可能为同一个位点;2014年,在F2:4分离群体中的双尾群体中共检测到2个与分枝数QTL位点连锁的位点,分别是F连锁群上的BARC13-1845位点和B2连锁群上的BARC14-1214位点。在其附近尚未有分枝数相关QTL位点的报道,这两个位点可能为新位点。本研究将为进一步进行分枝数QTL位点的精细定位和分子标记辅助选择育种奠定基础。
Branching number is one of the important agricultural traits of soybean. Mapping the QTL for branching in soybean has both academic and application values. In this paper, low-branching cultivar, Jihuang-13,was crossed with high-branching landrace, Xiaoheidou. The QTL was mapped with selective genotyping of low-branching phenotypic extreme in F2:3 population in 2012 and both phenotypic extremes in F2:4 population in2014, respectively. The results showed that in 2012, one QTL was mapped on linkage group L at BARC19-1222,which was near two reported QTL locuses, q Br2 and q BN24-1, and they might be the same locus. In 2014, in the double tailed population of F2:4 segregating population, 2 loci linked to the number of loci QTL were detected, and they were the BARC13-1845 loci in F linkage group and BARC14-1214 loci in B2 linkage group. The number of loci related to QTL had not been reported in the vicinity of these loci, which meant these two loci might be new loci. The results in this paper would set a foundation for further fine mapping the related QTL and marker assisted selection in plant breeding.
Genomics and Applied Biology