近年来随着中国经济的快速发展和人民生活水平的不断提高,社会各阶层人士对人居环境表现出广泛热情和更高要求,社会对环境设计专业人才的需求日益增强,环境设计专业已成为艺术类院校招生的热门专业,并广受关注。随着环境设计对象和设计类型的增加与丰富,人居环境的范畴不断拓展,加之新时代大学生身心呈现新的特点变化,高校环境设计专业的传统教学模式,已无法完全满足社会需求、适应学科专业人才培养目标,迎合青年学生学习兴趣和方式,传统教学模式亟待改革创新。本文旨在通过分析环境设计专业理论与实践教学环节传统教学方法存在的弊端,提出一种创新的教改思路——动态教学模式(Dynamic Design Teaching Model),探讨此教学模式的可实施性,试图为地方高校建筑学环境设计专业和设计学相关学科提供教学新思路。
In recent years, with the continuous development of China's economy and people's living standards, people from all sectors of society have shown more extensive enthusiasm and higher demand for living environment. Meanwhile, relevant environmental design talents are in great and urgent need. The major of environment design has become quite popular in Art colleges and universities and received widespread attentions. With the gradual increase in environmental design objects and types, the continuous expansion of scope of human settlement, as well as the changes in the physical and mental characteristics of college students in the new era, the traditional teaching mode in major of environmental design can hardly meet the requirement of society, adapt to the training objective and cater to the young student's learning interest. Therefore, reforming and innovation of the teaching method are urgently needed. This paper analyzes the shortcomings of traditional teaching mode existed in theoretical and practical teaching link of environmental design major, and puts forward a novel educational reforming idea--Dynamic Design Teaching Mode. Additionally, this paper explores the practicability of the teaching mode, which is likely to provide a new paradigm for architecture environment design major and other related design discipline.
HE FANGYAO;TIAN XIAO(Academy of Arts, XI 'AN University of Architecture and Technology, Xi 'an, 710055, China)