
笔尖上的战争:《望厦条约》订立前顾圣与程矞采间照会交涉研究 被引量:3

War of Words:Translation and Textual Studies of Diplomatic Notes between Cushing and Ching before the Signing of the Treaty of Wang-Hiya
摘要 美国派往中国的第一个外交使团于1844年2月抵达澳门后,公使大臣顾圣旋即提出北上赴京向中国皇帝面呈国书和订立和约的请求。面对美方的乘人之危和非正义之举,护理两广总督程矞采遵谕旨通过外交照会尽力与美使周旋,以阻止美国使团北上。往来于顾程间的25件照会冲突不断,极具戏剧性,特别是程矞采在照复中无由头地提到美国兵船赴小吕宋一事,招致顾圣使团的不信任,而程对《南京条约》文本的大幅改动,大概是顾圣在中美新订条约后将《望厦条约》从中文回译为英文、将每条条文的汉字字数记录在案并将此作为预防中国人私改条约之措施的主要原因。此外,顾圣使团译者对"约计三月内"一语的翻译,也给双方交涉带来了严重后果,险些使双方交涉决裂。利用文本比较与翻译史研究方法来梳理这一时期两国间的折冲樽俎,有助于客观书写近代中美外交关系史的第一页。 Sending a diplomatic mission to the Ta Tsing Empire by the US was partly an aftermath of the First Anglo-Chinese War (AKA First Opium War, 1839 - 1842) and the events of signings of the Treaty of Nanking and the Supplementary Treaty. The US government intended to follow the trail of Great Britain to conclude a treaty of peace with China so as to enjoy, share or even broaden the mercantile interests and privileges which had been obtained by the Englishmen through waging a war against Ta Tsing Empire. Taking advantage of Ta Tsing Empire's precarious position, the first American mission to China arrived at Macao in February, 1844, when Commissioner Caleb Cushing, the Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of the United States to China proposed to proceed to the city of Peking immediately to present his credentials to the August Emperor Taou Kwang and to negotiate with the officials concerning a treaty between the two countries. Confronting Cushing's coercion of possibly using military forces to wage a war against the Ta Tsing Empire exactly like Great Britain did and such an untimely request only one and a half years after the British government used its naval and gunnery power to defeat China, Ching Yutsai, the acting Governor General of Kwang Tung (Guangdong) and Kwang Se (Guangxi) of the Celestial Dynasty, tried his best to implement the emperor's expedient tactics and edicts to tenderly cherish men from afar and to prevent the US mission from going to Peking. Ching Yutsai managed to disillusion the mission to proceed to Peking by actively or passively sending and answering an array of public dispatches or Diplomatic Notes to the Commissioner Caleb Cushing. The confirmed 25 Diplomatic Notes found between the two sides, however, were full of conflicts, during which, for one reason or another, Ching Yutsai gave the opposing party many excuses that undermined the credibility of him and other Chinese high officials. Retrospectively, some incidents could be regarded as Ching's diplomati
作者 屈文生
出处 《浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第5期100-117,共18页 Journal of Zhejiang University:Humanities and Social Sciences
基金 国家社科基金项目(14BYY015) 霍英东基金项目(141106)
关键词 顾圣 程矞采 照会 翻译 《望厦条约》 《南京条约》 Caleb Cushing Ching Yutsai a diplomatic note translation Treaty of Wang-Hiya Treaty of Nanking
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