为明确黑地膜覆盖栽培方式下,施肥和疏枝对鲜食蚕豆产量及其农艺性状的影响,以大粒型鲜食蚕豆品种‘慈蚕一号’为材料,于2015—2016年在浙江省杭州市余杭区进行了肥料和疏枝二因素裂区试验。结果表明:肥力相对比较低的处理,疏枝比不疏枝处理产量降低,随着肥力水平的增加,疏枝处理的产量高于不疏枝处理。疏枝处理能提高蚕豆商品性。建议低肥力水平下不进行疏枝处理,在高肥力水平条件下,进行疏枝处理。从节本考虑,在适宜的密度条件下,控制施肥量,不疏枝也能达到较高的产量;而从提高商品性出发,用疏枝处理的方法,则能提高3粒荚的比例。本试验中,在每公顷27000株的密度下,用黑地膜覆盖栽培法,每公顷施基肥复合肥450 kg、钙镁磷肥450 kg、追肥复合肥225 kg、硫酸钾15 kg,疏枝处理,产量最高达17787.70 kg/hm^2;每公顷基肥复合肥450 kg、钙镁磷肥450 kg、追肥尿素75 kg、硫酸钾15 kg,不疏枝处理,产量达17692.40 kg/hm^2;两者无显著差异。
To clarify the effect of fertilizer application and branch thinning on yield and agronomic traits offresh-eaten broad bean under black plastic mulching cultivation, a field experiment was carried out at Yuhang,Hangzhou in Zhejiang Province during 2015 to 2016. A large size broad bean cultivar‘Cican 1'was used inthis test. Two factors of fertilizer and branch thinning were analyzed in this experiment. The results showed thatthe yield was decreased by branch thinning treatment under lower fertilizer level, but the yield was increasedby branch thinning treatment with the increase of fertilizer level. Branch thinning treatment could improve thecommercial nature of broad bean. It was suggested that branch thinning should be done under higher fertilizerlevel, and should not be done under lower fertilizer level. Considering saving cost, under proper plantingdensity and fertilizer application, high yield could also be realized without branch thinning. Consider ofimproving commodity, branch thinning treatment could increase the proportion of the 3 seed pods. In theexperiment, under the condition of black plastic mulching cultivation and planting density of 27000 plants/hm^2,the highest yields of broad bean was 17787.70 kg/hm^2 with base fertilizer of compound fertilizer 450 kg,calcium magnesium phosphate 450 kg and topdressing of compound fertilizer 225 kg, potassium sulfate 15 kg every hectare and branch thinning, and the yield achieved 17692.40 kg/hm^2 with base fertilizer of compoundfertilizer 450 kg, calcium magnesium phosphate 450 kg and topdressing of urea 75 kg, potassium sulfate 15 kgevery hectare and without branch thinning, there was no significant difference between the two treatments.
Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin
fresh-eaten broad bean
black plastic mulching
fertilizer application
branch thinning