Component-based system is a combination of some components, that is, through the integration of the single component which packages the simple business function to build a new composite component to achieve more complex business functions. Only the correct combination of the subcomponents modeling can make it possible to construct a safe and reliable total component model. Computation Tree Logic (CTL) can well describe the temporal property of the state transition and Z language plays a significant role in the data con- straint description. After expended AADL with Z language and CTL, the components can be combined with a reliable model. Therefore, based on the analysis of AADL modeling elements and modeling processes, the idea and method to improve AADL behavior annex with the computation tree logic and Z language have been presented, which can effectively ensure the rationality and orderliness of the model. The experiments for verification have bten performed with the CZAADL modeling specification and the flight management system, which show that the CZAADL modeling specification has enhanced the flexibility and diversity of AADL modeling and provided possi- bility for integration of multiple modules with different modeling methods.
Computer Technology and Development