药品安全关乎大众的生命健康,产品状态的可控是药品质量管理体系最基本的要求。本文通过深入分析S7-200 Smart PLC与PC机之间的Modbus TCP的通信协议和编程应用,实现了药品在不同生产环节下的产量数据采集和远程通信显示及数据后处理功能。
Drug safety is very important for people's life and health, and the controllability of the product status is one of the most basic requirement for drug quality management system. This article first analyzed the Modbus TCP communication protocol and programming application between S7-200 Smart PLC and PC, and then the drug data acquisition, remote communication display and data post-processing within different production processes are realized.
Automation Panorama1