
剖宫产后子宫瘢痕妊娠的个体化处理实例研究 被引量:4

Case Study on the Individualized Treatment of Uterine Scar Pregnancy after Cesarean Section
摘要 目的对不同类型的剖宫产术后子宫瘢痕妊娠的临床特点进行分析总结,同时找到相应的处理方法 ,以达到最佳的临床效果。方法方便选取该院2010年1月—2016年12月就诊的46例剖宫产术后子宫瘢痕妊娠患者的病例特点(停经天数、B超下妊娠囊大小、是否心管闪动及妊娠囊种植处子宫疤痕肌层最薄处厚度及分型、血HCG值、转归)进行回顾性分析,根据它们的特点,对它们进行临床分型,分析各种类型不同的处理方法,以及相应的临床效果,最后再进行总结,得出一套较为完整的相关个体化的处理方法。结果对该院7年间就诊的46例患者,按临床情况进行分类及实施不同治疗方案:2例药物流产、6例药物+清宫、29例子宫动脉栓塞后清宫、7例开腹行子宫疤痕妊娠病灶切除、1例子宫切除等,除个别因病情特殊,都达到理想的临床效果。结论通过对临床实例的研究,充分了解了此类病例可以根据每个病例不同的临床特点,再采取个体化的原则酌情进行相关的治疗,达到了基本满意的临床效果,最后对这些结果进行分析总结,得出整套该类病例的系统性的处理经验,希望此经验在临床上加以推广。 Object ive This paper tries to analyze and summarize the cl inical character ist ics of different types of cesarean scar pregnancy af ter cesarean sect ion and to find out the corresponding treatment methods to achieve the best cl inical ef-fects. Methods The cases character ist ics (days of menopause, the size of ges tat ional sac by B-ul trasonography, cardiac tube flashing, the thinnes t thickness and the types of the scar muscularis at the implantation site of the gestat ional sac, the serum levels of HCG, and prognosis) of the 46 cases of pat ients with cesarean scar pregnancy af ter cesarean sect ion in this hospi tal from January 2010 to December 2016 were retrospectively analyzed; on the bas is of these, thei r cl inical types were classi -fied, various types of different treatment methods and the corresponding cl inical effects were analyzed, and a set of relatively complete individualized treatment methods of such pregnancy were summarized. Results Those 46 cases dur ing these 7 years were classified by different the cl inical types and different treatment options 2 cases of drug abortion, 6 cases of drug abortion merged with curettage, 29 cases of curet tage af ter uter ine ar tery embolism, 7 cases of laparotomy for uter ine scar pregnancy les ion resect ion, 1 case of hysterectomy and so on, the presumptive ideal cl inical effects were achieved in addi-tion to a few exceptions of special condi tions. Conclusion Through the s tudy of cl inical examples, it can be thoroughly un-derstood that these cases can take the individual pr inciples of discretionary treatment based on different cl inical features , and then, to achieve basic satisfactory cl inical results , and f inally the results will be analyzed and concluded. The complete set of sys tematic treatment exper ience can be obtained, and this exper ience is hoped to be promoted in the cl inical practice.
作者 林美琼
出处 《中外医疗》 2017年第26期84-86,共3页 China & Foreign Medical Treatment
关键词 剖宫产术 疤痕妊娠 分类 临床特点 处理 Cesarean section Scar pregnancy Classification Clinical character ist ics Treatment
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