功能安全的概念在汽车嵌入式系统领域越发到关注,汽车开放系统架构AUTOSAR(Automotive Open System Architecture)是目前国际流行的标准软件架构,它在AUTOSAR4.1的版本中针对功能安全首次提出了点到点(End-to-End,E2E)的安全通信机制;为保证汽车各组件间的通信安全,对在AUTOSAR架构下的E2E安全通信机制进行了研究,采用E2EProfile 2的方法来实现E2E安全通信,旨在解决如何保证电子控制单元(Electronic Control Unit,ECU)之间以及ECU内部不同核之间,不同SWC(software component)之间数据的安全通信的问题;基于AUTOSAR架构,通过在电子控制单元核内通信采用E2EProtection Wrapper的通信方式,跨电子控制单元核外通信采用COM E2ECallout的通信方式实现了通信机制的搭建;通过对ECU内部及跨ECU的通信测试,表明该方法能有效的检测通信过程中的重复发送错误、CRC(Cyclic Redundancy Check)校验和错误及发送序列错误等问题。
The concept of functional safety has attracted more and more attention on the automotive embedded systems.The automotive open system software architecture standard AUTOSAR is the current international popular standard,it firstly proposes a End-to-End(E2 E)security communication mechanism for functional security in the AUTOSAR4.1.In order to ensure the safety of communication between components of the vehicle,the E2 Esecurity communication mechanism under the framework of AUTOSAR is studied.By using E2 EProfile 2 methods to realize the secure communication of E2 Eto solve the problem of how to ensure the secure communication between ECU or different SWC inside ECU.By using the E2 E Protection Wrapper communication mode of the ECU nuclear communication and the COM Callout E2 Emode of the ECU core communication,AUTOSAR architecture is built based on this communication mechanism.By testing the communication,the proposed method can effectively detect the repeated transmission errors,CRC checksum errors and send sequence errors.
Computer Measurement &Control