目的通过病例对照研究了解新疆乌鲁木齐市流动儿童麻疹发病的高危因素,为制定针对性的预防策略提供参考。方法 2017年1月1日─31日采用电话回访的方法收集数据,设2016年乌鲁木齐本地报外地0~7岁麻疹病例为病例组,本地报外地0~7岁非麻疹病例为对照组,收集患儿及其家长的基本信息、免疫接种史、接种记录和接种服务距离等信息。结果单因素结果显示,未接种麻疹疫苗是发病的高危因素(OR=25.091,95%CI=10.229~61.544);知晓率评分为1分相对于3分或4分是麻疹发病的高危因素(OR=40.000,95%CI=8.373~191.093);流动儿童户籍地接种门诊距离在15 min以内相对于1 h以上是麻疹发病的保护因素(OR=0.291,95%CI=0.112~0.759);多因素分析结果显示,已接种麻类疫苗是麻疹发病的保护因素(OR=0.062,95%CI=0.024~0.159);知晓率评分3分及以上是麻疹发病的保护因素(OR=0.375,95%CI=0.171~0.823)。结论在流动人口中加强麻疹相关知识的宣传,提高家长的认知水平,使其了解疫苗的重要性,从而提高疫苗的接种率、降低麻疹发病率。
Objective To investigate the high risk factors of measles among migrant children in Urumqi by using case-control study, and to provide reference for formulating prevention strategies. Methods All data was collected by telephone interview during January 2017. Measles cases(aged 0-7 years) from other places reported in Urumqi in 2016 were assigned to the case group; meanwhile, non measles cases(aged 0-7 years) from outside but living in Urumqi were assigned to the control group. The basic information of both groups of the children and their parents, immunization history, vaccination records and vaccination service information such as the vaccination, on distance were collected. Results Single factor analysis showed that the history without measles vaccination was the high risk factor(OR=25.091, 95% CI=10.229-61.544). The score of awareness rate equaled 1 was a risk factor comparing with the score equaled 3 or 4(OR=40.000, 95% CI=8.373-191.093).Compared with walking more than 1 hour, it was the protective factor of measles that the migrant children walked less than15 minutes from place of domicile to the vaccination clinic(OR=0.291, 95% CI=0.112-0.759). Multivariate analysis showed that vaccination of measles vaccine was a protective factor of measles(OR=0.062, 95% CI=0.024-0.159). If the score of awareness rate was 3 or above, it was a protective factor for measles(OR=0.375, 95% CI=0.171-0.823). Conclusions The propaganda of measles knowledge in migrant population should be strengthened. The understanding of vaccination importance should be improved for the parents, and vaccination rate should be effectively improved.
Bulletin of Disease Control & Prevention(China)
Migrant children