GNSS can be easily interfered and blocked-off because of its technique characteristics, thus, it isof limitation and will bring risk if use only GNSS system in national military applications. The long wave timeservice system such as BPL is a kind of terrestrial radio transmitting system, which adopts Loran-C (Long RangeNavigation System) signal format and has the advantages of great transmitting signal power and strong ability ofanti-electromagnetic interference. So far, the synchronization of LF time and UTC time has been completedbased on common view link, so the LF time transmitting station can be considered as a pseudo-satellite of GNSS.Thus, LF time service system and GNSS can be integrated to improve the usability of navigation systems andreduce the risk of military application. Firstly, the accuracy of long wave timing is studied and compared withthat of BDS, and the feasibility of integrated navigation is analyzed based on the performance. Then, the theoryand method of integrated positioning is introduced, meanwhile the integrated positioning algorithm based oncalibration-fusion is presented to correct the systematic error of long wave data and achieve further improvementof the performance of integrated positioning. Furthermore, Xi’an is taken as an example to analyze the effect ofintegrated positioning on geometric dilution of precision (GDOP). Finally, the performance of integratedpositioning is researched based on the data collected from the receivers of two systems, and the result ofintegrated positioning is compared with that of single BDS. The research results show that integrated positioningof LF time service system and BDS can improve GDOP greatly, and the effect is more obvious in blocked-offarea; the positioning accuracy of tens of meters can be achieved based on pseudo-code receiver if the integratedpositioning algorithm is used, which is slightly worse than single BDS positioning.
Journal of Time and Frequency
LF time service
integrated positioning
positioning accuracy