目的 :本文重点研究了抗丙肝药索非布韦的重要中间体N-[(S)-(2,3,4,5,6五氟苯氧基)苯氧基磷酰基]-L-丙氨酸异丙酯的新工艺,达到节省能耗,降低成本的目的。方法 :采用游离态L-丙氨酸异丙酯为原料合成N-[(S)-(2,3,4,5,6五氟苯氧基)苯氧基磷酰基]-L-丙氨酸异丙酯。结果 :新工艺不需在-70℃的条件下进行反应,只需在0℃下进行。结论 :新工艺大大降低了能耗,节省了生产成本。
Objective :Mainly study on the new technology of an important intermediates N-[(S)-(2,3,4,5,6-pentafluorophenoxy)phenoxyphosphinyl]-L-alanine 1-Methylethyl ester of HCV drugs Sofosbuvir,so that to achieve the goals of saving energy and reducing cost.Method :Adopt free state L-Alanine isopropyl ester to synthesis N-[(S)-(2,3,4,5,6-pentafluorophenoxy)phenoxyphosphinyl]-L-alanine 1-Methylethyl ester.Result:The new technology doesn’t need to be peformed at -70 ℃ ,only at 0 ℃ .Conclusion : The new technology can greatly reduce energy consumption and save production costs.
Chemical Engineering Management