阿拉斯加北坡(ANS)永冻带蕴藏着丰富的天然气水合物资源,该地区是美国天然气水合物研究开发的特定目标之一。自1970’年代起,美国先后研发的PCB和PCS天然气水合物保压取心器应用于DSDP、ODP、IODP和ANS。第一口旨在研究阿拉斯加天然气水合物的热冰1井于2004年初完成。该井虽然没有钻遇到水合物层位,但是许多新开发的技术,如北极钻井平台、移动式岩心实验室、智慧钻井等成功地获得了应用。艾尔伯特山1号研究井于2007年2月顺利地钻至914 m,全井取心率85%,并进行了测井和运用组合地层动态测量仪对井下压力测试,完成了全部预期研究目标。对"自然产生的"和由"油气钻采工业诱发的"与水合物相关的地质灾害进行了研究,后者主要分为3类,即穿越天然气水合物钻探、穿越天然气水合物深部油气开采及开采天然气水合物的生产。对天然气水合物,特别是运用CO_2-CH_4置换法开采水合物的理论和实验室的研究,在美国许多学术机构和大学有成效地进行了许多年。2012年5月,康菲公司与日本国家油气与金属公司(JOGMEC)以及美国能源部(DOE)合作,运用CO_2-CH_4置换法,圆满地完成了Ignik Sikumi#1井的天然气水合物试采。在38天返排期间气体生产的30天内,累积生产甲烷气体约28317 m^3(100万scf)。该项试采工程结果表明,CO_2-CH_4置换法是天然气水合物开采重要而有效的方法之一,它可在较大程度上减少对环境的污染和破坏。
Alaska North Slope(ANS) permafrost zone is rich in hydrate resource, where is one of the specified targets for hydrate R&D in USA. The PCB and PCS pressure core samplers for NGH in USA have been respectively developed and applied in DSDP, ODP, IODP and ANS since 1970' s. Hot Ice #1 well, the first dedicated hydrate research well in Alaska, was completed in early 2004. Newly developed Arctic Drilling Platform, Mobile Core Lab, Smart Drilling etc. were successful deploied in the research well despite of missing the hydrate layer. Mt. Elbert #1 research well was smoothly drilled (to 914m), cored(recovery 85% ), logged and downhole pressure tested with MDS in February 2007. This science program successfully achieved all of its objectives. Naturally occurring geohazards and "Industrial" gas hydrate-related geo- hazards were studied, the latter can be categorized mainly as follows: Drilling through GH, Producing through GH and Pro- ducing from GHgeohazards. The theoretical and lab studied of NGH , especially for hydrate production with CO2 - CH4 exchange technology, have been effectively executed for decades by many academic centers and universities in USA. In May, 2012, ConocoPhillips, in a cooperative effort with the JOGMEC and the U. S. DOE, successfully completed Ignik Sikumi # 1 well gas hydrate production test using CO2 - CH4 exchange method in ANS. Overall, the well produced for 30 days during the 38 -day flow-back period, with cumulative gas production approaching one million scf (28317m^3). The test result shows that CO2 - CH4 exchange for NGH production is one of the most important and effective methods, which can greatly mitigate environmental pollution and damage.
Exploration Engineering:Rock & Soil Drilling and Tunneling