The fu z z y a lg e b r a ic s y s tem is a n imp or t a n t to o l fo r r e s e a r c h o n fu z z y v a lu e d c o n te x t - f r e elanguages and fuzzy valued pushdown automata. Since the normal form of languages we int roduce the concept of fuzzy valued normal form , a n d s tu d y th e r e la t io n s h ip b e tw e e n th e p r o p e rfuzzy valued algebraic system and the Chomsky fuzzy valued normal form. Then we provide the method of producing Chomsky fuzzy valued normal form from the algebraic,which standardizes the expression of the fuzzy valued algebraic system. Finally,we design the operator fuzzy valued normal the solut ions to the fuzzy valued algebraic system. Our conclusions are that the first component of the strong solut ion to the proper fuzzy valued algebraic system appears also as the first component of the strong solut ion to such a system in the operator normal form. The fuzzy valued normal form provides a di fferent view of studying the fuzzy algebraic system,which shows that the algebrdomain has better propert ies than the classical algebraic system.
Computer Engineering & Science
fuzzy valued semiring
fuzzy valued algebraic system
fuzzy valued normal form