为解决金川矿区深部软岩巷道支护问题,引入了钢管混凝土支架支护技术。以金川二矿区1 000 m试验巷道为原型,在充分分析巷道工程地质条件及原支护条件下围岩的变形特征后,设计安装了现场监测设备,并利用FLAC^(3D)数值模拟软件对比分析了3种支护条件下的巷道围岩变形情况。研究结果表明:(1)无支护条件下开挖巷道,巷道围岩最大变形量可达400 mm,围岩的顶底和两帮位移较大,巷道围岩塑性区分布范围为一个长轴半径为15 m、短轴半径为9 m的椭圆;(2)"锚网喷+U型钢拱架"联合支护条件下,巷道围岩最大位移量约为35 mm,较大位移出现在两帮处,顶、底位移受到较好的控制,巷道围岩塑性区分布较无支护条件下小很多;(3)"锚网喷+钢管混凝土支架"联合支护条件下,巷道围岩最大位移量为28.5 mm,相比于U型钢支护条件下减小约20%,围岩发生位移和塑性变形的范围也相对减小,巷道围岩更稳定;(4)通过对比数值模拟计算与现场监测结果可知,2种方法所得结果变化趋势相似,皆表现为钢管混凝土支架顶拱处的变形较稳定,数值上较两帮小,左、右两帮变形值较大,说明在1 000 m巷道所处地质条件下,钢管混凝土支架能有效地控制巷道位移,减小塑性区,但两帮处变形相对严重,应给予重点关注。
In order to solve the supporting issues of deep soft rock roadway in Jinchuan mine,the steel tube confined concrete supporting technique is used.Taking the 1 000 m tentative roadway in Jinchuan No.2 mine as a prototype, this paper applied a site monitoring and analyzed the surround rock deformation features under three different supporting conditions through FLAC^3D software based on a full understanding of the engineering geological condition and the characteristics of roadway deformation under the previous support.The results show that: ( 1 )The maximum surrounding rock displacement can reach 400 mm without support measures, and the displacement of two sides,roof and floor are large.The plastic areas distribution of surrounding rock is an approximate ellipse whose radius of longer axis is 15 m and the other is 9 m. (2)In the condition of composite supporting scheme of bolt-mesh-anchor and U-shaped steel,the maximum surrounding rock displacement is about 35 mm,the displacement of two sides are large, and deformations of roof and floor are controlled well.The plastic areas distribution of surrounding rock is much smaller than no supporting one. (3)In the condition of composite supporting scheme of bolt-mesh-anchor and STCCS (steel tube confined concrete support),the maximum surrounding rock displacement is about 28.5 mm which is reduced by about 20% compared with U-shaped steel support.The plastic areas distribution of surrounding rock is smaller and the roadway is more stable. (4)Both the results of field practice and numerical simulation show that the deformation of the roof is stable and two sides are large under the condition of STCCL.Therefore, STCCL can possess high load-bearing capacity and can be used as relatively reliable support for deep roadways, and the deformation of two sides should be paid more attention.
Gold Science and Technology
steel tube confined concrete support
roadway support
Jinchuan mine
roadway of deep mine
FLAC^3D numerical simulation
deformation of surrounding rock