为了解春季雨水径流对巢湖水体营养素储备和藻类繁殖的影响,2013—2015年3—5月期间,对合肥草地、生活区和交通干道3类下垫面的12场降雨径流进行监测分析。结果表明,生活区和交通干道的TN、NH+4-N、COD以及TP径流事件平均浓度值分别是GB 3838—2002《地表水环境质量标准》中Ⅴ类标准限值的4.8、2.5、4.3、2.4和3.7、2.0、3.6、2.3倍,其SS平均浓度分别是GB 8978—1996《污水综合排放标准》中二级标准限值的7.5和13.5倍,NOx-N均值分别为1.63、2.39 mg/L。Person系数分析显示不同形态氮浓度之间强相关,COD与氮浓度强相关。跟踪分析生活区COD、TN、TP和SS指标,其浓度-时间变化曲线以及M(V)曲线分析显示春季径流有初始冲涮效应,可以通过控制初期径流控制径流污染。
To know the effects of spring runoff on nutrient storage and algae development in Chaohu Lake, runoff samples from three urban underlying surfaces of grassland, living quarters and highway were monitored and tested during 12 rain events, from March to May in the year of 2013 -2015 in Hefei City. Results indicated that the average EMCs ( event mean concentrations) of TNNH4+-NCOD and TP from living quarters and highway were4. 8 n 2.5n 4. 3 n 2. 4 and 3. 7N 2. 0N 3. 6N 2. 3 times of the fifth level Surface Water Environmental Quality Standard (GB3838 - 2002 ) , average EMCs of SS were 7. 5 and 13. 5 times of the second lever Integrated Wastewater Discharge Standard(GB8978 -1996) , and EMCs of N0X-N were 1.63 2. 39mg/L respectively. Person coefficient analysis indicated that TN^NH4+-N and N0 X-N were positively related with each other, and COD was related with nitrogen. By tracing and analyzing C0D、 TN、 TP and SS in the living quarters.,their concentration-time change curves and M ( V) curves analysis showed that the first flush phenomenon occurred in spring rainfall runoff, and runoff pollution could be handled by controlling the first runoff.
Water Resources Protection