

Analysis of the Tendency of the Critical Thinking in the Nursing Students from Junior College to University
摘要 目的探讨护理教学对专升本学生评判性思维倾向的影响。方法 2016年6—7月,采用中文版评判性思维倾向量表对专升本护理学生进行评判性思维倾向调查。结果除评判性思维的自信心外,学生的评判性思维倾向和其表现的6个方面差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论实施多样化教学方式,发展学生的评判性思维倾向。 Objective This p ap e r tries to s tudy th e in f lu e n c e of n ursin g te a ch in g on c r i t ic a l th in k in g disposi tions of th e s tu -dents from ju n io r college to u n iv e rs i ty. Methods The s tud ents 爷 c r i t ic a l th in k in g d isp o si tio n who u p g raded from ju n io r co l-lege to u nive rsi ty was inves tig ated by Chine se v ersion of Cri tic al T h ink in g Disposi tion Inventory from Ju n e to July 2016. Results The c r i t ic a l th in k in g d isp o si tio n scores as well as its six sub sc ale s reve aled a s ta t is t ic a l ly signif icant d ifferenc e of students, ex c ep t s e lf -c o n f id e n c e in c r i t ic a l th in k in g ( P 〈0.05). Conclusion It is im p erative for n ursin g schools to imp lem en t divers if ied te a ch in g methods an d improve th e s tu d e n t ’ s c r i t ic a l th in king disposition.
出处 《中国卫生产业》 2017年第26期71-72,共2页 China Health Industry
基金 2016吉林医药学院校级课题"<急危重症护理学>情景模拟教学研究与实践"
关键词 护理教学 评判性思维倾向 专升本学生 Nursing te a c h in g C ri tic al th in k in g d isp o si tio n s College- to -u n d e rg ra d u a te students
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