介绍了基于模型的设计(MBD)流程,并将其应用于汽车电子节气门控制器(ETC)的开发。在Matab/Simulink中设计了模糊PID算法,基于x PC Target设计了快速原型,标定了相关参数,并验证了算法的有效性。并利用单片机STM32制作控制器,将控制策略生成代码后与底层代码集成,编译后下载到控制器中,在实车环境下验证了控制策略的有效性。
The process of Model-Based-Design( MBD) is introduced and applied to the development of electronic throttle control.The algorithm of fuzzy PID control is developed in Matlab/Simulink.Based on x PC Target,the rapid prototype is designed to calibrate some parameters and verify the algorithm.And,the code of application layer generated from the algorithm model is integrated with one of the driver layer,which are compiled and then downloaded to the controller.In the end,it is proved that the control algorithm is effective in the environment of engine operation.
Machine Building & Automation