结合马钢两座4000 m3高炉的生产实践,通过死料堆洁净指数(DCI)的深入研究,分析影响死料堆洁净指数(DCI)的因素,旨在找出DCI指数与炉缸工作状况的相关性,探讨用死料堆洁净指数(DCI)来表征炉缸工作状况的可行性。
Combining with two masteel 4000 m 3 after the blast furnace production practice, through death windrow clean index ( DCI) research, analysis of affecting die windrow clean index (DCI) factors, to find out the DCI index and corr74elation of working condition of the hearth, discuss with dead stock pile clean index (DCI) to characterize feasibility of working condition of the hearth.
Journal of Anhui Vocational College of Metallurgy and Technology