
尊重历史 融入现代——谈话剧《秋声赋》的舞美设计

Respect for History,Integration to Contemporary:On the Stage Art Design of Modern Drama The Autumn Sound
摘要 1944年2月至5月,欧阳予倩、田汉、李文钊等知名文化人士积极奔走,在被誉为"中国戏剧史上的第一座伟大建筑"的广西省立艺术馆,组织举办了一次盛况空前的"西南剧展"活动。西南8省近1000名戏剧工作者参与,共演出60多个剧目170多场,为桂林历史文化和抗战文化留下了浓墨重彩的一笔。为了纪念西南剧展70周年,缅怀抗战时期文化工作者们的救国情怀,广西师范大学2005年启动了"新西南剧展"工程,文学院黄伟林教授、刘铁群教授策划了"新西南剧展"活动,指导学生重新改编、排演了抗战时期的经典话剧,重温"西南剧展",缅怀当年的岁月。其中有田汉的《秋声赋》《桃花扇》,欧阳予倩的《旧家》,夏衍的《芳草天涯》《秋声赋》为作为活动的主打剧目。每一个时代都有这个时代的特殊气质,是这个时代审美的集中体现。重排70年前的话剧《秋声赋》,舞台美术设计体现了"尊重历史、融入现代"的理念。 From February 1944 to May, Ouyang Yuqian,Tian Han, Li Wenzhao and other famous cultural activists held Southwest Theater Exhibition in Guangxi Provincial Art Museum known as "The First Great Building in the History of Chinese Drama". About 1000 theatre workers from 8 provinces in Southwest part of China took participation into the theatre exhibition. More than 60 plays that contained not less than 170 actions are performed. The theatre exhibition had played a significant role in both the historical culture of Guilin and the Anti-Japan War culture. In order to celebrate the culture workers' patriotism during the Anti-Japan War, Guangxi Normal University organized "New Southwest Theater Exhibition" in 2005 in memory of the 70th anniversary of The Southwest Theatre Exhibition. Both Professor HUANG Wei-lin and Profess LUI Tie-qun at School of Literature,Guangxi Normal University schemed out the "New Southwest Theater Exhibition". They instructed students to adopt,perform a series of classic modem drama among which there were The Autumn Sound and The Peach Blossom Fan by TIAN Han,Notable Former Families by Ouyang Yu-qian and Fragrant Grass All Over the World by XIA Yan. The Autumn Sound was the most important one. Every historical age has its unique Zeitgeist which is an epitome of aesthetics. Stage art design reflects the idea of respecting for history and integrating into the modem era.
出处 《贺州学院学报》 2017年第3期98-101,共4页 Journal of Hezhou University
基金 2015年度广西高等教育本科教学改革工程项目(2015JGZ111) 广西2015年度文化精品项目
关键词 新西南剧展 《秋声赋》 舞台美术 话剧 视觉设计 New Southwest Theater Exhibition The Autumn Sound stage art modem drama visual design
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