基于ARM嵌入式平台,设计无线网络通信实验课程,能够把分散的嵌入式系统知识点,整合在统一平台中,达到创新物联网实验教学体系的目的。实验通过Cortex-A9内核平台与ZigBee无线网络平台配套研发,让学生在实际操作和编程过程中,深刻理解物联网通讯的工作原理。实验分析了Cortex-A9内核在物联网实验中的工作特点,选用Tiny4412核心板,配套CC2530传感器节点,搭建物联网综合实验平台。同时,针对高校学生的基本情况,设计了理论完善、操作性强的实验流程,实现Android APP应用、Linux QT应用、QT应用的演示方式,贯穿物联网3个结构层次所涉及的知识要点和实践重点。
Comprehensive experiments have been applied in the experimental platform. Applications of the Internet of Things has become an important means of the Internet teaching. Based on ARM embedded platform, the design of wireless network communication experiment course can integrate the dispersed knowledge of embedded system into a unified platform. The system has achieved the goal of innovative lot experiment teaching. The experimental platform applies Cortex-A9 as kernel architecture and ZigBee as wireless network communication, students can process programming and actual operation, and can have a good understanding of the working principle of the Internet communication. After analyzing the architecture and working characteristics of Cortex-A9, we chose Tiny4412 core board and CC2530 sensor nodes, loT comprehensive experiment platform was then set up. The Experimental platform also realized the demonstration of Android APP, Linux QT application, QT application. It can illustrate key points of three hierarchical knowledge levels involved in loT.
Research and Exploration In Laboratory