本文介绍了一套由西门子S7 300系列CPU构成的自动化系统的网络结构,通过Prodave设计适用于该自动化系统的监控系统,并将其应用于工业自动化生产中。该监控系统实现了现场多台PLC与多条工业网络之间的互联,利用Prodave实现现场自动化系统数据实时读取。该软件使维修人员可远程查看自动化生产状态,对系统中重要数据进行监控,实现存储过程数据、查询历史生产数据的功能。
This paper introduces the network structure of an automation system which is composed of the SIEMENS S7 300 series PLC, This paper also introduces the method of create a monitoring system for this automation system, which is used for the industrial automated production. The monitoring system realizes the interconnection between multi PLCs and multi industrial networks, and realizes the function of reading real-time data of the automation system based on Prodave. The software enables the maintenance personnel to monitor the status of the automation system remotely. It enables the maintenance personnel to monitor the important data in the system, and realizes the function of storage the process data and check the historical production data.
Digital Technology & Application