
高校新生艾滋病知信行现状及健康教育需求的调查分析 被引量:17

Investigation and analysis of AIDS knowledge,attitudes,behavior and health education needs among college freshmen
摘要 目的了解大学新生艾滋病知信行现状及对健康教育的需求状况,为提高大学生艾滋病健康教育的针对性和有效性提供思路和依据。方法以西安交通大学2015年秋季入学的经金学院和医学院全体本科新生为研究对象,通过发放调查问卷收集艾滋病相关知信行的基线信息,并进行不同性别和专业的组间调查数据比较。结果本科新生对艾滋病三种传播途径的理论知识掌握较好,知晓率在95%以上,而对"男男性行为是感染艾滋病的高危行为""蚊虫叮咬不会传播艾滋病"知晓率较低,女生艾滋病相关知识的知晓率普遍高于男生;有66.4%的学生对艾滋病患者表示同情,约50%的学生对同性恋、婚前性行为表示理解和包容,并积极成为艾滋病的宣传员;同时有67.3%的大学新生认为艾滋病离我们很遥远,提倡正确使用安全套的学生仅为62.7%;医学专业学生比非医学专业更希望接受更多形式的艾滋病相关知识的健康教育;大学新生安全套使用影响因素主要为"事先未想到会发生性行为"和"不好意思购买安全套";大学新生对艾滋病相关知识获取途径的需求主要为教师和医务人员的讲解和宣传,其次为影视、书刊、网络和手机资讯。结论学校应采取多形式、多渠道、多方位的教育途径和形式,以提高大学新生艾滋病知信行水平,满足学生对健康教育的需求。 Objective T o u n d e r s ta n d th e s ta tu s quo of AIDS k n ow led g e , a t t i tu d e s , be-havior and demands for health education among college freshmen so as to provide ideas and basis for improving the pertinence and effectiveness of AIDS health education among college students. Methods The f reshmen of Economics and Fin an ce School and Medical School of Xi'an J iao tong University enrolled in the fall of 2015 were selected as the research subjects. Through question-naires we collected baseline information about AIDS knowledge, attitudes and behavior of these students and compared survey data of different gender and major groups. Results T h e f re shm en had a good grasp of theoretical knowledge of the three kinds of AIDS transmission routes, with the awareness rate of above 95%, but " MSM is a high risk behavior for HIV infection" and " Mosquito bites do not spread AIDS" awareness rates were low. The girl students' AIDS-related knowledge awareness rate was generally higher than that of the boys. About 66.4% of the stu-dents expressed sympathy for AIDS patients, about 50% of the students expressed their under-standing and tolerance for homosexuality and premarital sexual behavior, and actively became anti-AIDS advocates. At the same time, 67.3% of the college freshmen thought that AIDS is far away from us, those who advocate proper use of condoms accounted for only 62.7%. Medical students preferred to receive AIDS health education in more forms than non-medical majors. The main influencing factors of condom use among the freshmen were "unexpected sexual activity" and "feeling embarrassed when buying condoms". The routes for freshmen's needs for AIDS know-ledge acquisition were mainly explanation and publicity by teachers and medical staff, followed by films and television, books and periodicals, the Internet and mobile phone information. Conclusion Universities should adopt ways and forms of education in various forms, channels and directions to improve the level of
出处 《中国医学教育技术》 2017年第5期501-505,共5页 China Medical Education Technology
基金 针对艾滋病重点人群宣传干预项目(2015年陕西省防治艾滋病政府购买社会组织服务项目 2015SXAF03)
关键词 大学生 艾滋病 知信行 健康教育 college s tu d e n t AIDS k n owled g e , a t t i tu d e , b e h av io r h e a l th ed u cat io n
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