目的分析神经梅毒的临床特征,探讨其诊断、治疗及预后。方法回顾性分析了我院2013年7月~2017年1月收治的10例神经梅毒病例。结果 10例患者中,其中2例女性,8例男性。10例患者在确诊神经梅毒前存在误诊。所有患者的脑脊液白细胞数、蛋白均有所升高,血清及脑脊液TPPA及RPR均为阳性。除1例患者失访外,其他9例患者临床症状均有明显改善。结论神经梅毒发病形式多变,易出现误诊情况,其诊断需结合临床表现、血清TPPA和RPR、脑脊液TPPA和RPR、脑脊液白细胞数和蛋白及影像学检查,早期诊断、早期治疗可改善预后。
Objective To analyze the clinical features of neurosyphilis for improving the diagnosis,treatment and prognosis of this entity. Methods The clinical data were retrospectively analyzed in 10 cases of neurosyphilis treated in our hospital between July 2013 and January 2017. Results In the 10 patients, 2 were females, and 8 males. All patients were misdiagnosed before admission. The white - cell count and protein in the cerebrospinal flu-id (CSF) were all abnormally high in the 10 patients. Treponema paHidum hemagglutination assay (TPPA) and rapid plasma regain circle card test (RPR) of both serum and CSF samples were positive in all cases. Clinical symp-toms of neurosyphilis were improved in 9 patients except for loss of follow - up in one. Conclusion Neurosyphilis may exhibit various clinical features that potentially lead to misdiagnosis, for which diagnosis of this disease should be based on clinical pictures, laboratory serum TPPA and RPR, TPPA and RPR in CSF, white - cell count and pro-tein in CSF as well as brain imaging. Early diagnosis and treatment can improve prognosis of this entity.
Journal of Tropical Diseases and Parasitology
Clinical features