为了探讨长白山云冷杉天然林的空间结构对云杉、冷杉胸径生长量的影响,本研究于2016年8月以吉林省汪清县金沟岭林场2块云冷杉天然林的典型样地(面积分别为60 m×60 m、80 m×80 m)为研究对象,首先计算整个林分和林分内所有云杉、冷杉的角尺度和混交度,分析整个林分和林分内的云杉、冷杉的空间结构分布情况;然后,将角尺度和混交度对应的5种情况加以区分,对比这5种情况分别对应的所有云杉、冷杉近5年平均胸径生长量的均值;最后分析云杉、冷杉不同空间结构对其胸径生长量的影响。结果表明:2块样地平均角尺度均为0.5左右,总体上都呈随机分布;样地1和样地2的平均混交度分别为0.65和0.73,处于强度的混交状态;角尺度为0.5(随机分布)、混交度为0.75(强度混交)时云杉、冷杉株数分布最多;从林分整体角度看,样地2的云杉、冷杉平均胸径生长量都稍高于样地1;云杉、冷杉处于随机分布时胸径生长量最大,明显高于均匀和团状分布;随混交度的增大,云杉、冷杉的胸径生长量总体呈递增趋势,表明混交度的增大能促进云杉和冷杉的生长,而且对冷杉的促进作用更强,说明其生长对混交的强弱程度比较敏感。
In order to explore the effects of the spatial structure of natural spruce-fir forest in Changbai Mountain of northeastern China on the individual DBH increment,two typical plots of natural spruce-fir forest were set in Jin'gouling Forest Farm in Wangqing County of Jilin Province of northeastern China to calculate the mingling and the neighborhood pattern at the stand and individual levels and discuss the distribution of spatial structure. Then,the effects of different spatial structure of spruce and fir on the DBH increment were analyzed combined with the mean values of the mean DBH increment of spruce and fir in the latest 5 years. The results showed that the average neighborhood patterns of both plots were about 0. 5,indicating a random distribution. The average mingling of both plots were 0. 65 and 0. 73,respectively,showing intense mixed state. The largest tree density appeared when neighborhood pattern and mingling were 0. 5 and 0. 75,respectively. In terms of stand,the average DBH increment of spruce and fir in plot 2 was slightly higher than plot 1. The random distribution of fir and spruce had the largest DBH increment. With the increase of mingling of spruce and fir,the DBH increment of spruce and fir showed an increasing trend,suggesting that the increase of mingling can promote the growth of spruce and fir. In addition,the promotion was stronger for fir,showing that its growth is more sensitive to the intensity of the mixed.
Journal of Beijing Forestry University
natural forest
spatial structure
DBH increment