目的分析脂溶性维生素药品不良反应(ADR)发生的临床特点及规律,为儿科临床安全用药提供参考。方法回顾性分析医院2013年1月-2016年12月收集上报的49例脂溶性维生素ADR报告。结果 49例患儿中2013年5例(10.21%),2014年25例(51.02%),2015年15例(30.61%),2016年4例(8.16%);发生ADR的季节以冬季为主28例(57.14%),其次为春季18例(36.73%);脂溶性维生素(Ⅰ)发生ADR 40例(81.63%);性别男24例(48.98%),女25例(51.02%);年龄1.7~12.0岁;感染性疾病38例(77.55%);患儿有个人或家族过敏性因素39例(79.59%)。49例ADR累及全身多个器官和(或)系统157例次,其中最常见的是皮肤及其附件损害68例次(43.31%)。49例患儿根据实际需要进行抗过敏、抗休克、维持生命体征等综合治疗,全部转归良好,无后遗症发生。结论脂溶性维生素是易致敏药物,ADR易在有过敏性因素的患儿中出现,感染本身可能是诱发ADR的一个因素,在临床工作中合理使用脂溶性维生素可减少ADR的发生。
Objective To analyze the characteristics fat-soluble vitamin lead to pediatric ADR in the hospital, and provide reference for clinical safe drug use. Methods Retrospective study was adopted to statistically analyze fat-soluble Vitamin lead to pediatric ADR re-ports in the hospital from January 2013 to December 2016. Results In the 49 ADR reports,5 cases(10.21% ) in 2013,25 cases(51.02% ) in 2014,15 cases(30.61% ) in 2015,4 cases(& 16% ) in 2016;28 cases (57.14%) of ADR occurred in winter,followed by 18 cases(36.73% ) in spring;There were 40 cases(81.63% ) of ADR in fat -soluble vitamins ( I ) ;24 cases (48.98 % ) were Male,25 cases (51.02% ) were female; 1.7 to 12.0 years old ; 38 cases (77.55%) were infectious diseases ;39 cases (79.59%) had personal or family allergic factors. 49 cases( 157 cases) ADR involving the body multiple organs and/or system,68 cases(43.31% ) damage to the skin and its accessories. 49 cases of children given anti-allergy, anti-shock, maintenance of vital signs and other comprehensive treatment, all good results, no sequelae occurred. Conclusion Fat-soluble vitamins are easily sensitized drugs, children with allergic factors prone to ADR,the infec- tion itself may be a factor in the induction of ADR, in clinical work, the rational use of fat-soluble vitamins can reduce the incidence of ADR.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Rational Drug Use
Fat-soluble Vitamin
Adverse drug reaction
Rational drug use