师范馆是京师大学堂的核心与基础 ,也是京师大学堂学生高扬爱国精神的策源地。师范馆不仅办学严谨 ,成效卓著 ,而且作为北京师范大学的前身 ,实为近代中国高等师范教育的起点 ,其发凡起例 ,影响深远。虽然 ,经百年发展 ,今天我国的高等师范教育正面临着深刻的转型 ,北京师范大学提出了建设综合性、有特色、国际知名的研究型大学新的办学目标 ,也意味着她已不是原来意义上的高师院校了。但是 ,由师范馆设立本身所彰显的教师教育的基础性、全局性作用和教师专业化的历史大趋势 ,却具有恒久的意义 ,值得我们在贯彻科教兴国战略过程中 ,深长思之和自觉把握。研究京师大学堂师范馆的现实性意义 ,也正在于此。
The Teacher's Training Faculty is the core and foundation of the Capital University, the predecessor of Beijing University,in which the patriotism of the students in modern China rose. As the first and major predecessor of BNU with her high quality education and a great many achievements, the Teacher's Training Faculty can be said the starting point of the higher education in teacher's training in China, for she sets some good examples for the teacher's colleges during the years to come. As a century has passed, higher education in teacher's training in China at the moment is in the face of a deep transformation. Under this situation, BNU cannot be regarded as a teacher's training institution as usual, for she sets a new goal to establish a comprehensive, internationally renowned, and research-patterned university with her distinct characteristics. But even so, the great historical trend of the basic and whole-scaled functions of the teacher's education and teacher's professionalization shown through the founding and proceeding of the Teacher's Training Faculty, still has an eternal value which is worth understanding consciously, in which the very significance of this thesis lies.
Journal of Beijing Normal University(Social Sciences)
Capital University (the predecessor of Beijing University)
Teacher's Training Faculty (the first predecessor of BNU)
higher education in teacher's training