
论三权分立制度适用的有限性 被引量:1

On Limitations of Practical Value of American "Separation of Powers"
摘要 三权分立制度是西方资本主义国家广泛采取的基本政治制度之一。三权分立理论对人类社会政治理论和政治实践的发展产生了积极影响,尤其对近代西方资本主义国家的变革与发展产生了巨大的推动作用,成为政治理论领域的一座重要里程碑。从人类社会发展全局来看,人类社会的权力起源于生产劳动,并伴随着生产劳动等社会实践的发展而逐渐演变出三大权力体系,即政治权力体系、社会权力体系与资本权力体系。这三大权力体系的相互依存、相互斗争,形成了"大三权分立"的局面。而孟德斯鸠的"三权分立"理论,是站在资产阶级立场,代表资产阶级利益,反对封建专制和宗教专制的理论。尽管三权分立制度在美国取得成功,但美国是有其特殊具体国情的。美国建立在北美殖民地基础上,没有封建集权专制传统;随着大量移民的涌入,"一神教"宗教神权的力量被严重削弱。美国资本权力通过"三权分立"的政治制度对政治权力进行肢解,使政治权力"碎片化";通过大量移民和灌输自由民主理念控制社会力量的凝聚,使社会权力"散沙化",从而保证了资本权力的绝对统治地位。因此,从"大三权分立"理论来看,三权分立理论不过是政治权力的"碎片化"。美国三权分立制度的本质是统治阶级的内部权力分配,因而不具备全球推广价值。 'Separation of powers' is one of the basic political systems which are widely adopted by western capitalist countries.The theory of 'separation of powers' has had a positive impact on the development of political theory and practice, especially on the reform and development of modern western capitalist countries. It has become an important milestone in the field of political theory. To view from the overall situation of human society, power originated from the labor. With the development of labor and other social practices, power gradually evolved into three systems, namely, political power system, social power system and capital power system. These three power systems are interdependent and struggle with each other to form a situation of 'separation of the three major powers'. Montesquieu's theory of 'separation of powers' stands on the bourgeois position,representing the interests of the bourgeoisie, against feudal autocracy and religious despotism. Although the system of 'separation of powers' has succeeded in the United States, the United States has its own national conditions. The United States was built on the North American colonies, without feudal centralization of authoritarian tradition. With the influx of large number of immigrants, the power of 'monotheism' is severely weakened. Through 'separation of powers', American capital power decentralized political power, so that political power became 'fragmented'. With large number of immigrants and indoctrination of liberal democracy to control the cohesion of social forces, social power is 'scattered', ensuring the absolute dominance of capital power. Therefore, from the theory of 'separation of the three major powers', the theory of 'separation of powers' is nothing but political power 'fragmentation'. The essence of the 'power separation' in the United States is the internal power distribution of the ruling class, thus does not have the value of global promotion.
作者 郝月峰
出处 《云梦学刊》 2017年第5期96-104,共9页 Journal of Yunmeng
关键词 三权分立 权力体系 资本权力 Separation of Powers power system capitalist power
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