目的探讨急性肠炎患者采取培菲康与肠炎宁糖浆联合治疗的效果及安全性。方法将该院2014年1月—2017年1月接诊的急性肠炎患者100例作为研究对象,入选对象临床资料完整,愿意配合该次研究并签署知情同意书。按照随机数表法分组,每组50例,对照组患者采取肠炎宁糖浆治疗,研究组患者则加用培菲康治疗,对两组患者临床效果、不良反应、症状改善时间,以及治疗前后生活质量评分进行观察记录,并对比分析。结果两组患者治疗后均可评价疗效,研究组总有效率则高达96.00%,显著高于对照组78.00%(P<0.05);研究组在止泻、肠道功能恢复、腹痛消失等时间指标上均显著短于对照组[研究组:(1.34±0.21)、(2.01±1.56)、(3.28±1.55)d,对照组:(1.85±0.45)、2.59±1.12)、(4.23±1.86)d],(P<0.05);两组均有不良反应发生,但比较差异无统计学意义(4.00%vs 8.00%,P>0.05);两组患者治疗前生活质量评分差异无统计学意义(74.29±4.35)分vs(74.19±4.81)分,P>0.05),治疗后研究组则显著高于对照组[(93.45±3.11)分VS(85.67±3.75)分],(P<0.05)。结论急性肠炎患者采取培菲康与肠炎宁糖浆联合治疗不仅能提高疗效,而且能缩短症状改善时间,安全性高,能更好地改善患者的生活质量,值得借鉴。
Objective To s tudy th e effect and safety of bifico an d ch ang yann in g syrup in tre a tm en t of a c u te en te ri tis . Methods 100 c a se s of p a t ien ts with a c u te en te r i t is admit ted and tre a ted in our h ospi tal from Jan u a ry 2 01 4 to Jan u a ry 2017 were selected as the research objects and randomly divided into two groups with 50 cases in each, the control group and the research group were respectively treated with Changyanning syrup and bifico, and the cl inical effect, ad-verse reactions , improvement time of symptoms and quality of life before and af ter treatment were observed and record-ed and analyzed. Results After trea tm en t, th e to ta l effective ra te in th e re se a rch group was obviously h ig he r th an th a t in the control group (96.00% vs 78.00%)(P〈0.05), and the diar rhea, intes t inal function, abdominal pain disappearance time in the research group were shorter than those in the control group [(1.34±0.21), ( 2 .0 1 ± 1 .5 6 ), (3 .2 8 ± 1 .5 5 ) d vs (1.85±0.45), (2 .5 9 ±1 .1 2 ), (4 .2 3 ± 1 .8 6 ) d ] (P 〈 0 .0 5 ) , an d th e re were no ad v erse re a c tio n s in th e two groups, b u t without s tat is t ical signif icance,(4.00% vs 8.00%)(P〉0.05), before treatment, there was no obvious difference in the quality of life score between the two groups, [ (74.29±4.35)points vs (74.19±4.81)](P〉0.05), af ter treatment, the quality of life score was obviously higher than that in the control group, [ (93.45±3.11)points vs (85.67±3.75)points](P〈0.05) . Con-clusion The bifico and Changyanning syrup in tre a tmen t of a c u te en te r i tis c a n not only improve th e cu ra t iv e ef fect, but also shorten the improvement effect of symptoms with high safety, which can bet ter improve the quality of life of pa-t ients , and it is worth reference.
Systems Medicine
Acu te en te r i t is
C hangyanning syrup