目前中国布网的新一代天气雷达由多个厂家生产,不同型号的雷达体扫基数据格式不同,回放显示软件也不相同。且有些厂家的多普勒天气雷达不支持直接查看体扫基数据,这就给雷达体扫基数据的使用者带来不便。论文设计能自动识别和回放新一代天气雷达不同格式体扫基数据的软件。实现对SA、SB、CB、SC、CD、CC、CCJ和WSR-88D 8种型号雷达格式的体扫基数据的不同仰角的反射率因子、径向速度和速度谱宽3个基数据产品的绘图回放,并实现放大缩小、鼠标取值、同屏比较、截图保存等功能。通过与各种格式的业务回放软件结果进行对比,说明本软件使用简单,数据回放结果准确。
The current national network of Doppler weather radars are from a number of manufacturers. The volume scan- ning base data formats and the replay software of different radar models often varies. Furthermore, the Doppler weather radars from some manufacturers do not support reviewing the base data directly, which brings inconvenience to users. In this paper, we have designed a software capable of automatic recognition and replay of different volume scanning base data formats of CINRAD. It supports the base data formats of SA, SB, CB, SC, CD, CC, CCJ and WSR-88D, specifically the replay of the reflectivity factor under different elevation angles, the radial velocity and the velocity spectrum width. It also includes the functionalities of zooming, reading values from mouse, split window comparison, saving screenshots and etc. After comparing the results with other formats of replay software, it is shown that the developed software is easy to use with accurate replay results.
Journal of Chengdu University of Information Technology