青少年近视的发病率不断攀升,遗传及环境因素如长时间阅读、室内低光照度等被证实是近视发生及发病的诱因.增加户外活动量及室内光照亮度可作为预防青少年近视发生发展的重要手段.由于睫状肌调节紧张与近视有关,低剂量阿托品等毒蕈碱型受体拮抗剂已被用于近视的防治.目前,对于近视的治疗以屈光矫正为主,如配戴双焦或多焦镜片、角膜接触镜或角膜塑形镜(orthokeratology contact lenses,OK)等.由于巩膜组织中胶原结构异常、抗拉力减弱与眼轴不断增长有关,而巩膜交联疗法(cleral cross-linking,SXL)、口服7-甲基黄嘌呤(methylxanthine,MX)及Tenon囊下水凝胶注射可增加巩膜抗牵拉能力,也有望进入临床用于抑制近视眼眼轴的增长.随着对近视发生发展相关的分子生物学机制的不断研究,新的青少年近视防控措施仍将不断出现.
Incidence of juvenile myopia increases continually.The factors of inheritance and environment have been verified as the pathogenesis of myopia,such as long hours reading and low indoor illuminance.More outdoor activity and indoor illuminance may be effective in preventing occurrence and progression of juvenile myopia.Owing to the relationship between ciliary muscle tension and myopia,anti-muscarinic receptors agents such as low-dose atropine has also been shown to provide effective myopia control.At present,the chief way for treatment of myopia is still refractive correction,such as wearing bifocal or multifocal spectacles,contact lenses or orthokeratology contact lenses (OKs).Based on the relevance of axial elongation to pathological changes and reduced ant-tensile force of in myopic sclera collagen tissue,scleral crosslinking (SXL),oral administration of 7-methylxanthine (MX) and sub-Tenon~ capsule injections of hydrogel might be realistic approaches to inhibit eye elongation in highly myopic eyes,due to the ability of SXL to contract collagen fibers and increase ant-tensile force of sclera.As deep research for molecular biological mechanism of myopia,new therapies related to control and prevention juvenile myopia intervention control the progression of myopia will still appear constantly.
International Review of Ophthalmology