Car ownership is related to the city' s construction and the schematization. Aiming at the issue of the car ownership predic tion, we bring forward a method, based on the Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), to establish a multi-factor car ownership prediction n, odel. The seven factors, including urban population, consumption level, gross regional domestic production, road network density, public transportation capacity, oil price, were chosen as the main factors to influence the car ownership. The principal components of the influence factors are ascertained by Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Using principal components as independent variable and car ownership as dependent variable can we build up the regression model. The car ownership prediction was calculated by the Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), combining with regress predicted value of the principal components. Based on the statistics of car ownership in Shanghai from 1994 to 2005, the model arrive at the prediction that there will be 4 million cars in Shanghai in 2020, and an analysis is made due to the prediction.
Computer Measurement &Control