目的 :了解在新的生育政策下,妇产科护士的离职意愿和工作满意度现状,分析妇产科护士工作满意度对离职意愿的影响。方法 :采用方便抽样方法对北京市12家市属公立医院的妇产科护士进行问卷调查;以离职意愿为因变量,人口学特征和工作满意度的4个维度为自变量建立多元回归模型。结果 :176名妇产科护士的离职意愿标化总分的中位数为50.00分,工作满意度中位数为76.92分;Spearman相关分析显示,工作满意度各维度同离职意愿呈负相关。多元线性回归分析显示对工作条件和外在奖励的满意度是妇产科护士离职意愿的影响因素。结论 :目前北京市妇产科护士离职意愿呈中等水平,工作满意度呈中等偏上水平,工作满意度同离职意愿呈负相关。提高工作满意度对降低妇产科护士离职意愿有重要的意义,医院管理者应对此予以关注。
Objective: To explore the turnover intention and job satisfaction as well as the related factors among gynecologic and obstetric nurses in Beijing Public Hospitals. Methods: A questionnaire was conducted among the gynecologic and obstetric nurses in 12 public hospitals in Beijing using convenient sampling method. The multivariable linear regression model was established. Results: The medium point of turnover intention was 50 (maximum 100 points). Themedium point of job satisfaction was 76.92 (maximum 100 points). The Spearman correlation analysis showed that the four dimensions of job satisfaction were negatively correlated with the turnover intention. Regression analysis showed the influencing factors are the satisfaction of working conditions and external incentives. Conclusion: The turnover intention and the job satisfaction among gynecologic and obstetric nurses are at moderate level. Nurse managers should enhance the working conditions and external incentives to improve nurses' job satisfaction and reduce their willingness to leave the job.
Chinese Nursing Management
turnover intention
job satisfaction
gynecologic and obstetric nurses