杂草稻泛指生长在稻田及其周边被视为杂草的稻株,在国内外不同生态稻区均有不同程度的发生,但有关中国河南省豫北地区杂草稻特性及其发生状况鲜有报道。本研究以河南省黄河流域豫北粳稻区采集到的56份杂草稻为试验材料,考察其生物学特征特性;利用RID14引物鉴定红色果皮Rc位点基因型并与表型比对;同时通过34对In Del分子标记检测籼粳分化,分析了该区域杂草稻的特性、遗传分化及其可能发生的机制。研究结果表明:(1)黄河流域豫北粳稻区杂草稻大部分为淡黄色和黄褐色斑点的颖壳、多数无芒和红色果皮、易落粒、千粒重低,株高、分蘖、穗粒数与栽培品种有明显差异;(2)杂草稻果皮颜色的表型多样,89.29%为红色或者褐色(由浅至深)、10.71%为白色,其基因型与表型鉴定结果高度一致,红色果皮杂草稻在Rc位点均无14 bp缺失;(3)InDel标记和籼粳分化分析表明:56份杂草稻中有44份是典型籼型杂草稻、5份为籼型杂草稻、3份为偏籼型杂草稻、4份为中间型杂草稻,它们之间的遗传差异小;通过聚类分析,56份杂草稻中的92.86%的属于籼型杂草稻,7.14%属于中间型杂草稻,与当地粳型栽培稻有着较远的亲缘关系。根据研究结果推断,黄河流域豫北粳稻区杂草稻的发生,可能主要经由曾经种植过的籼粳栽培品种杂交而产生,或者是种植的杂交品种收获后落粒的后代去驯化而产生。本研究为黄河流域豫北地区杂草稻的防控提供了理论依据。
Weedy rice generally refers to the rice plants growing as weeds in the paddy fields. Weedy rice occurs with varying frequency in rice growing regions all over the world. However, the origin and characterization of weedy rice in northern Henan Province along the Yellow River in China has rarely reported. In this study, we collected 56 accessions of weedy rice from the japonica rice growing regions of Henan Province, and investigated their biological ch aracteristics. The RID14 primer was used to identify the genotype of Rc gene locus and compared with the corresponding phenotype, 34 pairs of In Del molecular markers were used to detect the indicajaponica differentiation. The results showed that:(1) There were yellowish and brown spots on the weedy rice,majority of them had red pericarp, awnless, shattering and lower 1 000-grain weight. The plant height, tiller and grain numbers were obviously different from the local cultivars;(2) The pericarp colors of the weedy rice were diverse, 89.29% had red or brown pericarp(from light to dark),while 10.71% had a white pericarp. There was a high similarity between the genotypic and the phenotypic identification results. There was no 14 bp deletion detected at the Rc gene locus of the weedy rice accessions with red pericarp;(3) The analysis of In Del molecular markers and indica-japonica differentiation indicated that among the 56 weedy rice, 44 were typical indica weedy rice, 5 were indica weedy rice, 3 were partial indica weedy rice and 4 were intermediate type weedy rice with low genetic diversity. Cluster analysis demonstrated that 92.86% of the weedy rice accessions were of indica type and 7.14%were intermediate type, which indicated that weedy rice were distantly related to the local dominant japonica cultivars. Our results inferred that the weedy rice grown in japonica rice growing regions of northern Henan Province, most probably originated from the hybridization between indica and japonica cultivars, which were once cultivated there, or they may be
Molecular Plant Breeding
Weedy rice(Oryza sativa f.spontanea)
Indica-japonica differentiation
InDel marker
Red pericarp