以Peter Skehan的"输入—中心处理—输出"信息处理框架为基础,通过定量和定性相结合的方法,从信息输入方式的角度考察听力信息输入和视听信息输入对口语流利度的影响。采集了非英语专业本科生分别接受听力、视听材料后进行1分钟口头陈述的口语语料,利用Praat和SPSS软件统计分析了两次口语输出中流利度指标的变化。研究发现,两次信息输入方式下,口语产出流利度在停顿、平均语流长两项指标上呈现显著性差异,且视听输入下被试口语输出的停顿次数明显少于听力输入下的口语输出,平均语流长明显变长。平均停顿长、平均修复次数、每分钟音节数三项指标的差异性不显著。由此得出,视听输入较听力输入下被试处理和加工信息的能力更强,语言输出更加流利。
Based on Peter Skehan's 'input-central processing-output' framework,the influence of audio input and audio-visual input on EFL learners' oral fluency was investigated by using both quantitative and qualitative methods.Non-English majors were chosen as subjects.At the first stage,subjects received audio input,prepared for two minutes and then orally produced one-minute personal statement.At the second stage,subjects received audio-visual input and then produced another one-minute personal statement.Speech samples were collected and analyzed by Praat and SPSS.Findings show that there are statistically significant differences(p〈0.05) in the number of pauses and mean length of runs,with obviously fewer pauses and longer mean length of runs after receiving audio-visual input.However,the other three indices,mean length of pauses,mean number of repairs and syllables,are not significantly different.Therefore,we may tentatively conclude that EFL learners produce more fluent oral production when they receive audio-visual input.
Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications(Social Sciences Edition)