为了改进裂解汽油加氢装置的生产操作,利用Aspen Plus流程模拟软件建立了乙烯裂解汽油加氢装置的C_5脱除塔、C_10^+脱除塔、两段加氢反应器、硫化氢汽提塔的模型,并验证了模型的准确性。在模型的基础上利用灵敏度分析功能对C_5脱除塔回流比、C_10^+脱除塔塔顶压力和硫化氢汽提塔塔顶压力进行分析。通过模型优化,提高了产品质量,优化了工艺参数,从而达到指导装置生产的目的。
In order to improve the cracking gasoline hydrogenation unit of production operations, Aspen Plus process simulation software was used to establish a cracking gasoline hydrogenation unit C5 removal tower, C10 removal tower, the two stage hydrogenation reactor, hydrogen sulfide stripper model, and the accuracy of the model was verified. The reflux ratio of the C5removing tower, the top pressure of Clo removal tower and the top pressure of hydrogen sulfide analyzed by using sensitivity analysis function on the basis of the model. Through quality was improved and the process parameters were optimized, so as to achieve the optimization of the the purpose of guiding stripper tower were model, the product device production.
GuangZhou Chemical Industry